Equality and Diversity

Equality and Diversity within the School of Healthcare Sciences we pride ourselves on ensuring that we operate all of our business in a dignified and principled community – where equality is promoted, diversity and inclusivity are valued and individuals are respected; behaviour is guided by codes of academic integrity, ethics and good conduct; everyone accepts their responsibilities to each other; and that we are a community that treats the English and Welsh languages on a basis of equality.

The University Student Charter is an important document outlining the Universities commitments to you and the reciprocal commitment expected from members of the student community.

See: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/for/current/student-charter/communities/dignified/index.html

It is recommended that you familiarise yourself with the Charter.

As a student of the School of Healthcare Sciences we will:

  • treat you with dignity, courtesy and respect at all times;
  • foster and promote equality and diversity;
  • act promptly and effectively to address complaints of discrimination or harassment;
  • be committed to equality for the English and Welsh languages, and develop our Welsh-medium provision through close collaboration with the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol;
  • be committed to improving the accessibility of our curriculum, facilities and services, to meet the requirements of all potential users.

The School of Healthcare Sciences will in turn expect you to:

  • behave appropriately, treating fellow students, staff and the local community with dignity, courtesy and respect at all times including online and in social media;
  • inform us if your own experience is adversely affected by the behaviour of fellow students or staff;
  • develop your understanding of professionalism and academic integrity at an early stage and apply this throughout your time here and beyond.

All staff and students have a responsibility to behave in a manner that does not cause unreasonable offence to others. All staff and students are informed through the Dignity at Work and Study Policy (located at: https://intranet.cardiff.ac.uk/students/support-and-services/health-safety-wellbeing/dignity-at-work-and-study-policy) that they have a right to ask any of their colleagues or peers to stop behaving in a manner that is upsetting, insulting or offensive to them. You are encouraged to become familiar with this very important policy. The aim of the University Dignity at Work and Study Policy is to ensure that when a person has been offended, (intentionally or otherwise), there is an opportunity for all of the individuals concerned to resolve the situation informally and discreetly.

Other important policies for you to familiarise yourself with early in your programme of study include the following, all of which are available through the University intranet: Equality & Diversity Policy; Welsh Language Scheme; Sexual Orientation; Transgender Policy & Guidance; Religion and Belief; Policy/ Guidance for pregnant students and students who become parents; Equality and Diversity advice for students travelling abroad for work or study; Fitness to Practice Policy and the University Student Complaint Procedure

Cardiff University and each School within the University requires all students (and staff) to complete a mandatory online Equality and Diversity training programme. Upon completion you will be issued with a certificate to demonstrate to your Personal Tutor, (or Supervisor for post-graduate research students), that you have complied with this request. Students are introduced to this training during the induction week via a brief podcast and are instructed to complete the training programme by the end of your first semester and definitely prior to any attendance at clinical placement. The training package is located within Learning Central

modules as follows. HCARE Undergraduate (or Postgraduate as relevant) Learning Central and accessed within the Online Education and training tab on the left hand side of the page.

Within the School of Healthcare Sciences we have an active Equality and Diversity Committee meeting regularly through the academic year. We most welcome student representation on this committee and if you would like to engage with this citizenship activity and support the important work of the committee then please express your interest to the Equality and Diversity Lead for the School.

Everything you need to know…